Climate change

Floods and droughts, lands exposed by ice and lands submerged by water. The impacts of climate change altering the Earth's appearance are observed, criticized, and directly felt by researchers.
Archive Climate change
73 Total movies
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Climate change
Marcus Vetter
Das Forum - Rettet Davos die Welt?

The Forum

Climate change
Salma Hamdy Ghonim
A Heatwave
Climate change
Rameshwar Bhatt
A Sun at Night
Climate change
Josh Dawson
Action contre la Faim
Climate change
Tommaso Montaldo
Afar: dove i sogni e la terra bruciano
Climate change
Jon Shenk, Bonni Cohen
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
Climate change
Camille Tricaud & Franziska Unger
Apocalypse Baby, We Advertise the End of the World
Climate change
CIAK! Sì, parteciPO
Ascoltando la corrente
Climate change
Ferdaous Abouhaouari
Before it's too late
Climate change
Guillaume Fournier, Samuel Matteau & Yannick Nolin
Belle River
Climate change
Felix Dierich
Black Summer
Climate change
Skyros Team
Can we?
Climate change
Allievi della classe 3AL – Liceo Artistico Audiovisivo e Multimediale del I.I.S. G. Valle di Padova
Ci interessa
Climate change
Niccolò Aiazzi
Cinquanta passi
Climate change
Marco Morandi
Come quando perché

How When Why

Climate change
Luca Puzzangara
Contro Coltura
Climate change
Guille Isa, Angello Faccini
Climate change
Almourad Aldeeb


Climate change
Viera Cˇákanyová
FREM. Requiem for Homosapiens
Climate change
Tom & Theo Tennant
Frontier Town
Climate change
Filip Antoni Malinowski
Guardians of the Earth
Climate change
George Miller
Happy Feet 2
Climate change
Evgenia Arbugaeva, Maxim Arbugaev
Climate change
Susan Kucera
Hot Money
Food on Film project
Food on Film
Slow Food
Associazione Cinemambiente
Innsbruck nature film festival
In collaboration with
UNISG - University of Gastronomic Sciences

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Creative Europe Media Program. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.