Directed by
The shepherds and cheesemakers of the French Slow Food Presidia are the protagonists of this documentary about the journey of a group of Slow Food activists across France in 2019 to meet producers and collect raw milk cheese for the “Cheese” event in Bra, Italy. Cru documents the traditional non-invasive cheesemaking practices that bring out the quality of raw milk, which represents the biodiversity of their local areas, where the landscapes are uncontaminated and skills have been built in the course of time.
The film tracks the journey from fields and livestock to the microbiology of the cheeses, from labor and problems to the pleasure of food and conviviality, from tradition to a critique of today’s consumeristic, industrial food system.
In-depth analysis
About the Movie Cru
Almost all France’s PDO cheeses today are controlled by the large dairy giants, which oversee milk collection, dominate decision-making bodies, and impoverish and marginalize small independent local producers. Industry’s stranglehold on PDO cheeses, whose pretext is to develop them, has led to a standardization of flavor, a loss of biodiversity and a decline in quality. World-famous cheeses (such as Cantal, Roquefort, Ossau Iraty, Banon, Maoilles and Epoisses) now run the risk of seeing their names stripped of any substance.
Luckily, some small local producers struggling to continue making great cheeses. They are the cheesemakers of the French Slow Food Presidia, guardians of biodiversity and gastronomic tradition, who refuse to take the short-cuts of modernity and stubbornly go on producing cheeses and other foodstuffs, while still respecting naturalness, tradition, and taste, keeping alive an extraordinary heritage of skills, landscapes and respect for animals.