Genesis 2.0
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On the remote New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean, hunters are searching for the tusks of extinct mammoths. The prices for this white gold have never been so high. The archaic landscape in which these people are looking for the tusks of extinct mammoths looks like primordial earth. But the thawing permafrost unveils more than just precious ivory. Sometimes the hunters find an almost completely preserved mammoth carcass. Such finds are magnets for clone researchers in search of mammoth cells with the greatest possible degree of intact DNA. Their mission could be part of a science-fiction plot or a plan to resurrect it as a species. And that’s just the beginning. Worldwide, biologists are working on re-inventing life. The goal of synthetic biology is to produce complete artificial biological systems. The resurrection of the mammoth is a first track and manifestation of this next great technological revolution. An exercise. A multi-million dollar game, where Man becomes the Creator.